Wednesday, January 25, 2012

toothpick holders

well everyone predicted that after the first week of excitement, there would be a little downhill spiral.. very minor. well everyone was right. i would like to say that this blog would be always positive, and cheery, but that wouldn't be the reality of this experience i guess. i'm starting to feel a little homesick. today was wonderful. i did some more training, and then had to take a test, whereby it gave me a series of questions relating ot everything i've learned the past couple of days. i only got one question wrong, which meant i ended up with a 98%. i was so relieved! i normally don't do well on tests and exams because i get so nervous but this whole disney thing has kept me on my toes and i've been so focused and absolutely enjoying everything - which is probably why i did well! seriously, if anyone ever gets the opportunity to do this, please, do it! it is so good! it is honestly a dream come true... and i haven't even officially started yet!

i also had a meeting with one of the leaders who basically went through policies, procedures, the point system (which is like penalties, and when you reach a certain amount of points you get a reprimand,) how the recognize cast members and all the regular "new to the job" type things. he was also really nice. ya know it's really nice because people walk by and almost everyone says hi, and when they notice the "earning my ears" flag on my nametag, they ask how i'm getting through, so i really feel comfortable there. i feel like i've been working there forever!

anyways, i came home this evening to an empty apartment. it's the first time i've truly been by myself since i've been up here. and i started to feel a little lonely. then i talked to two of my favourite people (brandon and scott) and they sent me a voicenote of them singing one of my favourite songs (your love- the outfield). it had me beaming from ear to ear, but then it made me really miss home. started to tear up a little bit (if i'm being honest, because everyone knows i hate when people lie. so honesty's the only policy!) i know i'm in the right place for me right now (so don't start feeling sad mum - i'm over-the-moon-happy 99.9% of the time!)

oh well - back to me now! i was so disappointed today when i passed cinderella in the utilidor (the tunnel.) remember how a couple lines up i said how almost everyone smiles at you when you walk past them? cinderella didn't! she basically even avoided eye contact! and she's always been my favourite princess. i'm going to have to very strategically think this over. belle was always number two, and three seconds after cinderella walked passed, belle came along, and she told me hi. so she may now be bumped up to number one. i felt like a princess myself! especially in my GORGEOUS long skirt! (i'm being sarcastic by the way.) (about the skirt, not feeling like a princess.)

right now, i'm about to start my first online course assignment. i've never done something this advanced (all those reading who are from barbados would understand.) i'm sure i'll get it though. it's a funny story actually, when i went to the monsters inc laugh floor show on saturday, they had ads all over, saying they wanted people to text in their jokes, and they gave instructions. at the end, they said "if you don't know how to text, just find the nearest teenager near you." most people over 40 were cracking up - i was cracking up too, as i usually do at corny jokes, but was trying to contain my laughter in public.

tomorrow i think i'm going to animal kingdom in the afternoon. i'm quite excited since i don't remember much of that either. i'm hoping to catch the lion king show, because i remember it being incredible, but i don't remember how it went!

i think this has been my shortest post! trying to keep them relatively short so i'm not overloading and boring everybody with an overdose of unnecessary information! missing everyone more than ever tonight! hope everybody's safe, happy and healthy!

oh! i'm going to try and continue this "fun fact for the day" thing i have going on. so today. as you may know, magic kingdom does not sell newspapers, alcohol, tobacco or gum. in the uptown jewellers store, they sell things like the (whatever metal thing it is) wine corks, with mickey ears on the top, obviously, and shot glasses. now these items are sold throughout the rest of walt disney world, as shot glasses and wine corks. however, in magic kingdom, they are sold as "bottle stoppers" and "toothpick holders." that's right, a shot glass is a toothpick holder in magic kingdom. i guess that's a way of trying to preserve the magic!

anyhow, good night everybody. lots and lots and lots of love to EVERYONE! xoxo

1 comment:

  1. "overloading and boring everybody with an overdose of unnecessary information" Where has that come from? I tell ya .... your blog is going viral! I LOVE IT! So many people wake on a morning to check it out! Keep it up - couldn't be more proud :)
