Saturday, January 28, 2012

stephie and hayley blog

today was another regular day of training. in fact, i lie. today was kind of cool. i met my trainer for the day, he was so cool; an absolutely hilarious guy. he danced randomly, and sang to songs playing in the tunnels. he made a joke about everything, and after everything he said, he was like "you get what i mean?" or "you know what i'm saying?"

the first thing i had to do was learn how to make cotton candy in the confectionery. it was a bit tricky at first, but i got the hang of it pretty quickly. the little area you make cotton candy in is made of glass, so kids were astonished by how cool it was. i got to give away a couple of samples, which put the biggest smiles on their faces. it was so rewarding.

after that, i got to go in the chapeau (the hat shop) and i got taught how to embroider peoples' names onto the mickey ear hats. it's really quite cool, and it's all computerized. at first i thought it was quite a complicated process but again, i got accustomed to doing it and even did a few by myself - i really was quite proud of myself. my trainer told me that i was a fast learner... something i have never heard before in my life!

i got home relatively late tonight, and came home to an apartment full of bajans with music blaring, patting and cranking and reminding me of home. after they all left, a couple friends came over and were just chilling and again they left. then i skyped stephie and hayley - lord how i miss them! they made me laugh (even though towards the end i was doing homework and wasn't saying much.) i was so upset when they both said they had to go, because i missed hearing their voices and their weird way of giving their opinions... and just hearing the gossip they talk. it's so funny. i miss my friends and family.

so people kept passing through tonight, and my bedroom is right by the front door, and there's a windo there too, so i kept getting freaked out, as usual! and now, all the roommates and i are just chatting, and enjoying each others company and laughing.

i don't exactly have a "fun fact" for today.. but there are some things about living up here that i love and some things that i hate. things i hate? automatic flushing toilets. it is so frustrating when you go in the bathroom, and then the toilet just flushes. it freaks me out! and on an early morning i hate the cold weather. i love it the rest of the time except when i'm still half asleep. something i love about up here? the cold weather. it really is quite refreshing. i love that there are so many different people up here and so many different nationalities. there is also everything you need up here - so many choices! it's great, but then sometimes it's too much. but the main thing i hate are those stupid automatic toilets. definitely not a favourite of mine.

but as usual, i'm loving up here and having a great time. so happy i'm here. and as usual, i'm missing all the people i love at home! keep safe! xoxo

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