Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Bienvenido a Disney World?!

so decided to start a blog, after an immense amount of pressure from all of you guys - my family and friends (that's obviously an exaggeration, but have been asked a couple times to do one.) i actually wasn't planning on writing a blog but decided to do so instead of sending e-mails and having to reply to a thousand different people who ask the same questions. so instead, everything will be in one place - makes life a lot easier! i have sent 2 email updates so far, so for now i'll just copy and paste those emails and then start the blog tonight or when i next get a chance.

Update 1:
Hi Family,

Finally settling down at the computer with a glass of DELICIOUS Airborne. My throat's kinda scratchy, don't know if it's because of the coldness or if I'm getting sick, so obviously I'm gunna play it on the safe side.

All my roommates so far are Spanish. Two of their names are Maria-Jose and one is Niza. Gabrielle is my other roommate from Barbados (yes, I figured out her name so smartly.) I guess we are supposed to have another roommate because there's one more bed left. There are 3 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms. One of the bathrooms is in a bedroom, and the other is in between 2 bedrooms. I got the bedroom with the bathroom (mwahaha.) Niza is my actual roommate (as in we share a room together.) She seems nice. She's from Mexico and is 20. The two Maria-Jose's are from Peru, so I hope that my Spanish improves.

Tomorrow is a full, full day. Meetings and seminars and whatnot start at 1.50pm. I know you're probably thinking that that sounds like it won't be too late, but I won't get home til 10.30 pm. So tomorrow I can't go to Walmart again, and tomorrow will probably be another night sleeping with no pillow (except for the lil pil that Nan made for me,) and with just my blanket. FUH-REEZING!

The 5 of us roommates are splurging tomorrow and going down to the Help Centre to buy an Internet Router for a whole $22. I know, we're definitely living on the edge. I'm glad though because now we don't all have to sit huddled together in the same room sharing the same modem that we connect ethernet cables to.

Today was such a long day. SUPER LONG and I'm exhausted but I want to wake up relatively early so that tomorrow I can finally unpack all my things and maybe do some stuff before the meetings and seminars. I started to unpack this evening but really was not in the mood. I'd like to say that I'll be going exercising tomorrow (but I don't want to get your hopes up, but I REALLY REALLY am in the mood to.) Also, I think I may exercise OUTSIDE up here. I know - shocker. But the weather is so nice.. Yeah it is chilly but LOVELY. I probably would want to spend all day outside now.

Anyways, I'm sure there are a million other things I can tell you, but I am so so so tired. Feel free to forward this to anyone in the fam, they all said they wanted to see some updates, but I don't know everyones email addresses.

Love you guys so much, and miss you all like crazy.


Update 2:
I never thought I would be so thankful for a pair of boots. (They're not really boots, they're like Uggs, so don't start making fun of me dad.) Today I bought them at Target (pronounced Tarjay, please,) and then during the day it got so hot. I was so vex (p.s. taught my friend, Stephanie that word, along with rasshole.) I thought I had wasted a bunch of money buying them, but tonight is FREEZING! P.s. I LOVE winter clothes. I look so cute in my jeans and sweater and boots and scarf (and even gloves - it's that cold.) Smile with tongue

Today was so long. I started the day by unpacking my stuff, and trying to organize. Then my roommate, Niza, came in telling me she was going to Target and asked if I wanted anything. I told her I had to come, because I couldn't spend another night freezing. A taxi there costs $13, and I think it was worth it. Together we bought stuff like lamps, an iron, a mop and broom and little things that our apartment needed. I bought zebra-print bed sheets and a light blue thick blanket. It was absolutely necessary because it gets so cold during the night, even though our room is a bit warm. This morning when my roommate woke up she even put her blanket on me because she obviously saw how cold I was. We ended up with so much bags that it would have been a pain in the neck (to replace a more favourable word, but I'm assuming Nan and Pa will read this, so keeping it clean,) to move with that much stuff on the bus (which wasn't available and that's why we took the taxi.) After Target, we came home and had to get ready for our first seminar. It consisted of filling out some paperwork and doing things like getting our Housing ID (which by the way, the stretch out the picture horizontally so it fits in the required space, and as you can probably guess, I am TOTALLY IMPRESSED BY HOW FLATTERING THAT IS! ....NOT!) Afterwards Stephanie and I walked over to this mini (and when I say mini, I mean mini) outlet that had like 4 stores - Starbucks, a phone store (like the Indian people at home,) a Disney gift store and a Sony store. We had some Starbucks for a late lunch and then headed back over to the Welcome Centre of our complex to catch the bus to our next meeting.

That meeting was called Casting, and the Casting building is in Disney World so we got very excited when we were going through and we took pictures from inside the bus. (I'll put some pictures up on facebook when I get a few more taken.) Inside the casting building was HUGE! All throughout the walls were murals of Disney characters and pictures of everything to do with Disney that you could possibly think of. It was quite a long process and I started to feel very impatient and tired. I found out that my first role is Merchandising, and I'll be located on Main Street of Magic Kingdom! I am so excited to be working in the heart of Disney, but I am going to have THE worst hours (which I still am unsure of, but will probably be told tomorrow.)

After that we had to take another bus to The Commons, where we had a TC3 orientation. They gave us sandwhiches for dinner followed by cookies for dessert. Let me tell you, these Disney people LOVE cookies. I think I've heard the word "cookies" AT LEAST 50 times since I have been here. I only just got back "home" from a super long day and have meetings all day from tomorrow morning. Afterwards, me and Stephanie will go to Walmart, because we've both been dying to go, but we were both so tired from today.

Stephanie and I seem to have a lot of little things in common (things like she doesn't like vegetables, loves ice tea and little silly things like that.) She has been "helping" me with my Spanish. She says I'm on level B because when she tries to teach me something new, I already knew it -feeling like a scholar and a half. I guarantee my Spanish will have to be improved. At this moment, I am sitting in my living room with all Spanish people. Gotta admit, I'm going a little crazy. Dad, you thought being in Miami and hearing people talk Spanish so much was frustrating, try having 1239819023892103 Spanish girls in your apartment 24/7! I am glad for it though - it will most likely be beneficial to me.

Anyways, once again, I feel as if I have so much to say but I am so so tired that I just need to organize myself for tomorrow and get to bed. I hope that I sleep a lot better tonight than I did last night.

So, night night, love you all very much and hope everyone's good! (Feels like I've been away forever, but also feels like this still isn't happening - someone pinch me now!)

Red heartjo

p.s. i'm about to post a FEW pictures on facebook. when i start doing this thing for real, i'll probably add some pictures then.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Jo... we miss you! Thanks for letting us follow you and your "dream".... take care, love lots, Geens & Ans...
