Tuesday, January 24, 2012

happy birthday eri

today was another wonderful day. i got to sleep in til about 9.30 which was amazing! i don't think i've woken up after the sun since i got here! i had an afternoon training session til late tonight; i actually only just got home. can you believe it? training was great today because it was just me and my trainer and she was so fascinated by my "delightful accent" which seems to stun so many people. it's funny how many people think i'm either british, irish or american. on the way home in the bus another guy was so surprised that was from barbados because i was white. he told me not to be offended because he's spanish but looks chinese so he has a way of confusing people too.

i really am not going to go into much detail about today because it's nearly midnight and i have to be up in a few hours for a morning shift of training. i'm going to be so tired tomorrow, but then i have two glorious days off.

a couple fun facts i learned today? one of the ladies that is plays the role of the fairy godmother, was in fact, disney world's first (and only for a period of time) snow white! and she apparently remembers almost everyone she meets! i think that's so nice. also, right in front of a restaurant in main street you may see a heart and arrow, with four paw prints in it. that's the place they made that lady and the tramp had their spaghetti and meatballs kiss. it was so cute. i never noticed it before, but definitely want to get a picture there now!

now today, i am not making it about me. today is about someone very special to me. if you know me, you know that birthdays are a HUGE deal to me - ESPECIALLY the 21st birthday milestone (mum and dad, prepare for the party planning for mine as soon as i get home!) but eri, i hope you know how much you mean to me. i meant to write you a card before i left so mum and dad could give it to you today, but it completely slipped my mind. you are one of my very best friends and i don't know how i'm surviving up here without you. i have always looked up to you so much and you will always be one of my heroes. we've gotten especially close the last few years and i've never been happier! you have taught me so much, from how to blow bubbles with bubble gum to how to convince certain people (you know who i'm talking about) to buy us shots in lights. you have taught me how to let the little things go, and how to stand up for myself and for my friends and family. i always come to you for advice, because i trust you with everything i have, and your words of wisdom are always helpful. you have shown me little, but important, things like dedication, motivation, strength, morals and everything else inbetween. you have made such an impact on my life and i want the whole world to see how special of a person you really are. you always stand for what you believe in and not many people can do that. you put smiles on so many peoples faces. everybody who knows you, loves you. you are such a special person in my life and i love you so much. you have no idea how much i miss you. i want you to continue to reach for your dreams because you can do anything you set your mind and heart to - anything. you bring friends and family together. i could go on and on about all the wonderful qualities you have, and it still would not be enough. i hope that some of your dreams came true, and i hoped you wished big on your candles. i hope that everyone gave you the amount of love and laughs you deserve and that everyone continues to treat you like the queen you are for the rest of your life. your caring and positive attitude reflects on everyone you meet. you are such a strong influence in my life and i'm so happy that i have the pleasure of being your friend and a member of your family. so happy, happy 21st eri. i love you and miss you times infinity. (plus one.)

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