Friday, February 10, 2012


today was another great day, as usual. i started my day a bit unusually, though. as soon as i woke up i skyped with one of my favourite people in the world (steph, that can't happen again, i ran way too late - not like my usual organized self!) so obviously, that put me in a great mood from the second i got up. work didn't start until 11.30 so it was good that i could sort of sleep in. i was in the confectionery again. a few hours in, after my lunch break, i had a mandatory class called 'safety in motion,' which really was VERY interesting (i wish there was a font for sarcasm.) i was struggling to stay awake. in the beginning of the class, when we were waiting to start, the instructor was asking everyone where they were from and made a little comment to each person. when it got to my turn, and she asked me, and i replied with 'barbados,' every single person turned around and commented, showing how interested (and might i add, jealous) of where i came from. i felt so proud. after the class i went back to work, for again, what felt like thirty seconds before it was time for my bumpout. i was absolutely dreading getting to the bus stop, but for a change, my bus was actually there waiting. i did have to stand up, but that was definitely okay.

when i got home, i checked to see if my labor request (which i submitted for when my second family comes to visit me) had been approved, and i literally jumped for joy when i saw that it had been approved! so i spent some time talking to eri, making plans for the big day, with a permanent smile on my face. after that, i spoke to sammy on the phone for such a long time, that my ear and my phone were overheating, and we too, were making plans for our big day on tuesday when we're going to spend the day together. i am so excited to start seeing so much family!!!

i just got in from my night. i was just next door playing pictionary with some friends. it was actually quite fun, but of course when a man loses or gets told he made a move wrong, he can't possibly 'take it like a man,' so therefore the game was cut short by about two moves, but that's okay. it was time for bed anyway. i have to get my good nights rest for another busy day tomorrow. today was so good, filled with exciting news from home and from here. i'm even more excited to see what tomorrow will bring. (i know one thing, the electrical parade starts back at magic kingdom, so that's big news! but my shift will be done so i won't be able to see it. next week when i work til all hours of the morning i will see it for sure, so one thing to look forward to within those horrible hours!) anyways it's time for me to go to sleep. so depending on what time you're having this, have a great day, or have lovely dreams.

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