Friday, May 18, 2012

roller coasters in the rain

i am permanently exhausted, but that's only because: a) wednesday i went to universal studios.. will go into detail in a moment; and b) i've been working so hard... will also go into detail shortly after the before mentioned, a.

wednesday i had to meet my friends at a friends house at eight in the morning. therefore, i had to wake up at six thirty in the morning so i could catch a bus to be there on time. before i came to disney, i used to have no problem getting up early in the morning, which i'm sure i've mentioned before. now it is the most difficult thing. ever. when my alarm went off at six thirty, it was brutal and i wanted to kill my phone, but then i remembered how excited i was because we were going to universal. i dragged myself out of bed, and got ready, and got on the bus and got to my friends house. he of course was sleeping and we had to wake him up. i so could have slept later. after waiting a while, and after i bought my annual pass for universal (which is discounted for people who are living in florida, and which seems expensive but really ends up being a great price because if i even only go twice it works out to be cheaper than buying two tickets on two different days... i really just had to defend myself after of course my mother thought it was not a smart idea,) we headed off. we did all the rides and of course i was beyond nervous before every single one, with my hands sweating (attractive, i know,) and my heart beating out my chest. i've learned that disney roller coasters are for babies and old people - they are nothing compared to roller coasters at universal. we even did the roller coasters whereby you get absolutely drenched from head to toe in water. but ya know what? we're young, and yolo. i really didn't just say that. of course, it started to rain, because we're in florida and apparently now it rains every single day. but that didn't stop us. we continued to do what we were doing, in the rain. and let me tell you. doing roller coasters in the rain is awesome. the adrenaline rush you get intensifies so much more when its raining. besides the fact that the rain drops felt like needles and because my hair was wet it became super heavy and it was sort of unpleasant when it whipped me in my face, it was incredible. we saw a couple shows, which were super weird and we even saw their parade. after watching the parade (not even watching the whole thing) i realized how proud i am to work for disney. their parade was awful. it was just terrible. the characters didn't even look weird, the music was the most uninviting thing i had ever heard and the dancers were just so bad. you really need to see both for yourself and then make your own opinion, but i'm just saying.. it was the worst thing i had ever seen. but that didn't get us down. we still enjoyed the rest of the day immensly. after spending like nine hours at universal, we were all beyond exhausted and it was time for home. it took me so long to detangle my hair after it had gone crazy on roller coasters for nine hours (some roller coasters we even did more than once. they even have a roller coaster where you can pick your own song to listen to - we did that five times in a row - we just kept getting back in line every time we finished.) and bed had never felt so good.

waking up yesterday after universal was challenging, but i had to meet with my teacher of my online class before work. that went really well and he had lots of positive things to say about me. that was a great start to my day. then work yesterday was also really good. many managers and people i work with were recognizing my hard work and my guest interaction and they were making a point of telling me. it feels good to have people say nice things about you. i worked nearly twelve hours yesterday and it was hard work, and my eyes were burning from exhaustion, but all the positive feedback really gave me a strong desire to work harder. i was closing the restaurant as usual, and i was assigned to close an area i had never closed before. i felt so frustrated because i had never even been shown how and i had to do it by myself. but everyone was so nice and really helped me out when i needed it. today i kept getting more postive feedback, and that kept me going the eleven hours i had to work again. i feel like i worked so hard today because all the coordinators and managers kept telling me to do so many things, which is really okay, because i love being busy because it makes time go by so much faster. one of the things i had to do though, was throw away all the "expired" dairy products in the fridges in the counter of the restaurant. i have expired in quotations because they are technically not expired. the rule is that once they leave the storage cooler they have a lifetime of four hours, and if they aren't used in those four hours they have to be thrown away. and everything is always labelled, but sometimes people forget to change the label so a lot of things have to get spoiled when they aren't even bad. in total i threw away twenty-eight yogurts, thirty-four low fat milks and sixteen whole milks. i was absolutely disgusted. i had no idea how passionate i was about the whole "there are starving children everywhere, and we are throwing all this away?!" thing before tonight. yes, many food products are donated to hungry children and families organizations but i was repulsed at how much is actually wasted. it's so sad. but nonetheless, i did what i was told (but i made it known how terrible it was,) and i continued to do everything everyone asked me to do. i was glad that i was getting the recognition though. in fact, between yesterday and today, i received two gsf (great service fanatic) cards, so i felt rather proud of myself.

i am now beyond exhausted, and my eyes are burning and my feet are hurting, as well as my back. i feel like i'm a hundred years old (even though i'm the baby here.) 'my bed' has never felt more amazing and i am so excited to just sleep. i'm sure i'll wake up before, but just in case, i have my alarm set for two in the afternoon. i would actually love if i could sleep til then. i hope barbados is having better weather than "sunny florida!" lots and lots and lots of love to everyone!

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