Wednesday, May 2, 2012

mouseters and ducktorate

this week has been a good week so far. it's had a lot of 'lasts,' but it's the start of a new month. it was my last guest service class, my last corporate analysis class, and i got the last navy blue michael kors wallet at the outlet for half the price it usually costs. clearly that's the least important out of the above but just thought i'd mention it. monday was my last guest service class. i finished the class with perfect attendance, which i got a certificate for, and i also got a certificate for my mouseters degree (kind of like masters degree, but we're in disney... mickey mouse; thus the mouseters degree.) today was my last corporate analysis class. i got another certificate for perfect attendance and in a couple days i get to go collect my ducktorate degree (like a doctorate, but we're in disney... donald duck; thus the ducktorate.) today was extra special because the embassador of walt disney world, norman, came to speak to us. it was fantastic. he's young, full of energy and hilarious. i have never been so intrigued in a class or seminar or anything of the suchlike in my life. i was so excited to hear what he was going to say next. he told us about being an ambassador, the process it takes to get there and a couple inside things. it sounds like it would be boring but it was truly motivating and inspiring. i told him it was my friends birthday and he ended up singing happy birthday to her in german (he actually speaks four languages,) so that was pretty impressive as well. we even got a class picture with him. my teacher took one with my camera, so i'll be sure to post it as soon as i get a chance. i'm still continuing to enjoy everything. next week i have three days off, which is weird, but i'm definitely not complaining. in a few days niza will be going on a cruise, and it's going to be so lonely sleeping in here by myself for four nights! i can't imagine how quiet it's going to be! still miss home and my friends and family but i know that just next month i'll be able to see mum, dad and ben and i am so excited! absolutely cannot wait! still wishing everyone constant happiness always, and sending lots of love.

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